Forever Pirates last weekend

The 2022 5th Annual Forever Pirates golf tournament and memorial were held at the Plainview Country Club last weekend. 

The event started with a tribute to those Pirates who had passed away in the previous year, and a special event for the passing of long-time Plainview resident, business owner and constant golf-course fixture, Ken Wilson. 

The Pirate alum-grounded team that won the tournament was (l to r): Troy Wright, Phil Hamilton, Cory Wright, Jason Halvorsen, with their biggest fan, Kathi Wright. They golfed the low score of 58 to lead the event.

The oldest Alumni present was Damon Roach from the Class of 1973; the furthest Traveled was Rich Spatz from the Class of 1986, Chicago; and the class with most representatives (2004) had five.

Those alumni remembered for the past year at this year’s event were:

Greg Steuckrath—Class of 1973

Rebecca Sorrelle—Class of 1979

Naoma Crisp-Lindgren—Class of 1965

Bruce Schlote—Class of 1971

Wanda Norris Schumacher—Class of 1959

Charles Lederer—Class of 1959

JoAnn Rea Martin—Class of 1972

Duane Spatz-Class of 1951

Peg Albin—Class of 1942

Dale Buerkle Kehler—Class of 1949

Lee Fee Weber Miller—Class of 1965

Dennis Lichty—Class of 1959

Debbie Brokaw—Class of 1988

Jerry Kudera—Class of 1963

Lonnie Wienrich—Class of 1980

Dona Epke-Stueckrath—Class of 1953

Lucille Carlson Steckelberg—Class of 1941

Jean La Borde-Young—Class of 1945

Mary Ellen Schultze-Hilkemann—Class of 1954

Bob Baber—Class of 1959

Ethel Weinrich-Waldow—Class of 1946

Roland Doerr—Class of 1962

Dena VanKirk—Class of 1975

Shirley Shoemaker Bailly—Class of 1960

LaVonne Snodgrass Pitzer—Class of 1967

Iona Hemmingsen Shipps—Class of 1945

Gary Weber—Class of 1954

Don Alexander—Class of 1950

Walt Sehnert—Class of 1946

Luann Horst Doerr—Class of 1955

Kelly Heyer—Class of 1983

Hans Johnson—Class of 1959

Patricia McKown-Frahm—Class of 1966

Lloyd “Bud” Albin—Class of 1950

Janice Hoffman-Maly—Class of 1951

Bill Dickinson—Class of 1963

Shirley Kuhl-Douglas—Class of 1945

Marilyn Pittack Hoffman—Class of 1962

Marcus Hanneman—Class of 1975

Lola Bruns—Long time cook

Ken Wilson—Long Time golf supporter

This year’s listing of Pirate Alumni golfers included, by team:

Caden Alexander-2009

Laura Alexander

Steve White-1980

Derek White-2010

Brittany White-2012

Spencer Dahlquist

Rich Spatz-1986

Dean Norris-1986

Scott Walker-1985

Ron Buss-1986

Scott Norris-1988

Cliff Norris-1981

Marcus Smith-1989

Scott Johnson-1989

Kyle Schmidt

Erica Schmidt-2004

Hunter Ashburn-2017

Sydney Lammers

Jen Wolfe-2004

Aaron Wolfe

Cassy Wright-2004

Jason Stewart

(1st place 2nd flight)

Jason Halvorsen-2000

Cory Wright-2000

Troy Wright-1991

Phil Hamilton-2007

(1st place 1st flight)

Kim Zuhlke-2003

Derek Zuhlke-2002

Jason Norris-2001

Brian Hoffman-2000

Scout Ashburn-2022

Carson Ashburn

Jake Bousquet

Kane Easterling

Eli Lanham-2021

Jake Arlt

Matt Nelson

Nick Arlt

Randee Wright-2007

Brett Rix

Melissa Jacot

Josh Jacot

Melissa Fischer

Jason Fischer

Brian Bowman-2007

Meagan Bowman

Jamie Weber-2000

Kevin Weber-1999

Cory Miller-2001

Kim Miller

Mary Doughtery

Dave Dougherty

Liz Frahm

Lisa Sobotka

Taylor Hitz-2013

Dalson Hitz-2013

Jess Sauser-2003

Tom Sauser-2001

Dillon Zuhlke-2008

Michelle Zuhlke-2010

Laurel Reineke

Trace Baasch

Rich Clemans-1991

Jeff Norris-1992

Trent Sinkler-2009

Dan Risinger

Damon Roach-1973

Jay Knaak-1979

Rod Greenemayer-1974

Kevin Roach-1974

Julie Lingenfelter

Jake Lingenfelter-2019

Rachel Lingenfelter-2004

Austin Goforth

Cassie Stelling

Mike Stelling-2007

Ashley Dendinger

Alex Clark-2009

(1st place 3rd flight)

Jamie Alexander-2004

Brandon Stradley-2003

Dustin Schlote-2002

Korey Matoush

Alizae Mejia-2021

Derik Giligan

Nate Rizak

John Schlote-2020

Troy Wright, Phil Hamilton, Kathi Wright, Cory Wright and Jason Halvorsen